23 Best Indoor Hanging Plants: Beautify Your Space

Indoor Hanging Plants
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Indoor hanging plants effortlessly infuse charm and vitality into any living space, transforming it into a lush oasis of greenery.

These botanical beauties not only elevate aesthetics but also purify the air, creating a healthier indoor environment. From cascading vines to delicate ferns and vibrant flowering species, the diversity of indoor hanging plants offers endless possibilities to adorn your home with nature’s splendor.

Whether suspended from ceilings, mounted on walls, or showcased in decorative planters, these versatile plants add a touch of elegance and tranquility to any room. Discover the best indoor hanging plants and unlock the magic of botanical décor.

Indoor Hanging Plants

Indoor hanging plants can transform your living spaces, adding a touch of nature and freshness to your home decor. They are not just aesthetically pleasing but also known for improving air quality and boosting mood.

Here are 23 of the best indoor hanging plants, including their light, water, and humidity requirements, to help you choose the perfect green companions for your home.

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are popular indoor hanging plants renowned for their graceful foliage and air-purifying properties.

Their long, arching leaves cascade elegantly from hanging baskets, adding a touch of greenery to any space. Resilient and low-maintenance, spider plants thrive in indirect sunlight and require occasional watering.

Perfect for beginners or busy individuals, they also produce offsets known as “spiderettes,” which can be propagated easily, ensuring a continuous display of lush foliage.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil moist in the growing season

Humidity: (40-70%) Prefers moderate to high humidity

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2. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy, a versatile and hardy evergreen vine, shines as an indoor plant. Its lush, trailing vines gracefully cascade over the edges of containers, adding a touch of green elegance to any space.

Thriving in indirect light and requiring minimal care, it purifies the air by absorbing toxins, making it not just a decorative addition but a healthful one too. Regular pruning encourages fuller growth, ensuring your English Ivy remains a vibrant feature in your home.

Light Requirement: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light

Water Requirement: Keep soil evenly moist

Humidity: (40-80%) Enjoys high humidity

3. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos, a beloved indoor hanging plant, is cherished for its trailing vines and lush green foliage. With its low maintenance needs and ability to thrive in low light conditions, it’s a perfect choice for adding greenery to any indoor space.

Pothos purifies the air by removing toxins, making it both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for indoor air quality. Its versatility in hanging baskets or cascading from shelves adds a touch of natural elegance to any room.

Light Requirement: Thrives in low to bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Let soil dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-60%) Tolerates average home humidity levels

4. String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

String of Pearls, scientifically known as Senecio rowleyanus, is a captivating indoor hanging plant cherished for its unique appearance. With slender, trailing stems adorned with spherical, bead-like leaves, it adds a touch of elegance and charm to any space.

String of Pearls

Its cascading foliage creates a mesmerizing effect, making it a popular choice for indoor decoration. String of Pearls thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal care, making it an ideal choice for plant enthusiasts seeking both beauty and simplicity.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow soil to dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-50%) Prefers low to moderate humidity

5. Philodendron Heartleaf (Philodendron hederaceum)

The Philodendron Heartleaf, a charming and low-maintenance indoor hanging plant, thrives in indirect light, making it perfect for indoor settings.

Its cascading vines and heart-shaped, glossy leaves add a touch of lush greenery, effortlessly bringing nature indoors. This resilient plant purifies the air and grows well in water or potting soil, requiring minimal care. Ideal for adding a vibrant green aesthetic to any room, it symbolizes growth and tranquility.

Light Requirement: Moderate to bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil moist but not waterlogged

Humidity: (50-70%) Prefers high humidity

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6. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston Ferns, beloved for their lush foliage and air-purifying properties, are ideal indoor hanging plants. With gracefully arching fronds, they add a touch of elegance to any space. Thriving in indirect light and high humidity, they are perfect for bathrooms or kitchens.

Their easy maintenance makes them a favorite among indoor gardeners. Boston Ferns not only beautify interiors but also contribute to a healthier environment by filtering toxins from the air.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil consistently moist

Humidity: (60-80%) Loves high humidity

7. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

The Maidenhair Fern is a delicate and elegant choice for indoor hanging plants. With its lacy fronds cascading gracefully, it adds a touch of nature’s charm to any indoor space.

Its preference for indirect light and consistent moisture makes it ideal for hanging baskets in well-lit rooms or shaded areas. Not only does it purify indoor air, but its lush greenery also brings a refreshing ambiance, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any room.

Light Requirement: Prefers indirect, moderate light

Water Requirement: Keep soil moist at all times

Humidity: (60-80%) Requires high humidity

8. Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

Burro’s Tail, a succulent native to Mexico, makes for a stunning indoor hanging plant. Its trailing stems, adorned with plump, tear-shaped leaves, cascade gracefully, adding a touch of greenery to any space.

Known for its resilience and low maintenance, it thrives in bright, indirect light and well-drained soil. With its charming appearance and easy care requirements, Burro’s Tail is a popular choice for indoor gardeners looking to add a touch of natural beauty to their homes.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow soil to dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-50%) Prefers low to moderate humidity

9. String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)

String of Hearts, scientifically known as Ceropegia woodii, is a charming trailing succulent that makes for an exquisite indoor hanging plant. Its slender, heart-shaped leaves cascade gracefully, adding a touch of elegance to any space.

Thriving in bright indirect light and well-draining soil, this low-maintenance beauty is perfect for adorning shelves or hanging baskets. With its unique beauty and ease of care, the String of Hearts is a must-have for indoor plant enthusiasts seeking botanical charm.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow soil to dry out completely between waterings

Humidity: (40-60%) Tolerates low humidity

10. Hoya (Hoya carnosa)

Hoya, also known as wax plant, is a popular choice for indoor hanging plants. With its thick, glossy leaves and clusters of waxy, star-shaped flowers, Hoya adds a touch of elegance to any space. Its trailing vines make it perfect for hanging baskets, where it can cascade down beautifully.

Hoya is relatively low-maintenance, requiring moderate light and infrequent watering. Its unique appearance and ease of care make it a favorite among indoor gardeners.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Let soil dry out between waterings

Humidity: (60-80%) Prefers high humidity

11. Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Air plants, also known as Tillandsia, make captivating indoor hanging plants. These unique flora require no soil, drawing nutrients from the air through their leaves. Their low maintenance nature and striking appearance make them perfect for adorning any indoor space.

Hang them in decorative containers or terrariums, allowing their graceful tendrils to cascade downward, adding a touch of greenery and elegance to your home décor. Embrace these fascinating botanical wonders for a refreshing indoor oasis.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Mist several times a week; soak once a week

Humidity: 60-70%, with higher humidity preferred during hotter periods

12. Rhipsalis (Rhipsalis baccifera)

Rhipsalis, commonly known as mistletoe cactus, is a popular choice for indoor hanging plants. With its unique cascading stems and minimal care requirements, it adds a touch of greenery to any indoor space.

Thriving in indirect light and moderate humidity, Rhipsalis is ideal for hanging baskets or macramé planters, making it perfect for small apartments or offices. Its trailing tendrils create an elegant, natural ambiance, bringing a refreshing vibe to interior decor.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil lightly moist

Humidity: (50-70%) Prefers high humidity

13. Chenille Plant (Acalypha hispida)

The Chenille Plant, scientifically known as Acalypha hispida, is a striking choice for indoor hanging plants. Its unique appearance, characterized by long, fuzzy crimson blooms resembling caterpillars, adds a touch of exotic beauty to any space.

With proper care and ample sunlight, these trailing wonders thrive indoors, cascading elegantly from hanging baskets. Chenille Plants not only enhance aesthetics but also bring a sense of vibrancy and life to indoor environments, making them a popular choice among plant enthusiasts.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil evenly moist

Humidity: (60-70%) Enjoys high humidity

14. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

Marble Queen Pothos, with its striking variegated leaves, is an ideal choice for indoor hanging plants. Its cascading vines add elegance to any space, while its low maintenance requirements make it perfect for busy households.

Thriving in moderate light conditions and occasional watering, this resilient plant purifies indoor air, promoting a healthier environment. Whether adorning a living room corner or brightening up a kitchen, Marble Queen Pothos brings natural beauty and charm to any indoor setting.

Light Requirement: Low to bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Let soil dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-60%) Tolerates average home humidity levels

15. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

The Bird’s Nest Fern is a popular choice for indoor hanging plants, adding a touch of tropical elegance to any space. With its gracefully arching fronds resembling a bird’s nest, this fern thrives in low to medium light conditions, making it perfect for indoor environments.

Its lush green foliage brings a refreshing burst of nature indoors while requiring minimal maintenance, making it an ideal choice for those seeking easy-care and stylish greenery.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil consistently moist

Humidity: (60-80%) Prefers high humidity

16. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

The Swiss Cheese Plant, scientifically known as Monstera deliciosa, is a popular choice for indoor hanging plants. Its iconic split leaves resemble swiss cheese, hence the name. This tropical vine thrives in bright, indirect light and can add a touch of exotic elegance to any interior space.

With proper care and occasional pruning, the Swiss Cheese Plant can grow vigorously, cascading beautifully from hanging baskets, making it a beloved addition to indoor gardens worldwide.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow topsoil to dry out between waterings

Humidity: (60-80%) Loves high humidity

17. Goldfish Plant (Nematanthus gregarius)

The Goldfish Plant, scientifically known as Nematanthus gregarius, is a charming choice for indoor hanging plants. With its vibrant orange flowers resembling the fins of a goldfish, it adds a playful touch to any space.

This tropical plant thrives in bright, indirect light and enjoys consistently moist soil. Its trailing vines make it ideal for hanging baskets, cascading elegantly as it grows. Goldfish Plants are easy to care for and bring a burst of color to indoor environments.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil consistently moist

Humidity: (50-70%) Prefers moderate to high humidity

18. String of Bananas (Senecio radicans)

The String of Bananas is a charming succulent plant, known for its unique trailing stems adorned with banana-shaped leaves. Perfect for indoor spaces, it thrives when hung in baskets or pots, cascading elegantly over edges.

Its low maintenance nature makes it an ideal choice for busy plant enthusiasts. With proper care, this quirky plant adds a touch of greenery and whimsy to any room, bringing a playful and refreshing vibe to indoor environments.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow soil to dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-50%) Prefers low to moderate humidity

19. Peperomia (Peperomia spp.)

Peperomia, renowned for its lush foliage and low maintenance, thrives as an indoor hanging plant. Its compact size and trailing nature make it ideal for small spaces. With a variety of leaf shapes and colors, including variegated patterns, Peperomia adds a touch of natural charm to any room.

It prefers bright, indirect light and infrequent watering, making it perfect for busy plant enthusiasts. Elevate your indoor décor with the captivating beauty of Peperomia.

Light Requirement: Moderate to bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Let the topsoil dry out between waterings

Humidity: (40-50%) Prefers moderate humidity

20. Wax Plant (Hoya kerrii)

The Wax Plant, scientifically known as Hoya carnosa, is a charming addition to indoor hanging gardens. With its waxy, star-shaped flowers and glossy foliage, it brings a touch of tropical elegance to any space.

Known for its low maintenance and air-purifying qualities, the Wax Plant thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate watering. Its trailing vines make it ideal for hanging baskets, cascading gracefully to create a stunning botanical display indoors.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Allow soil to dry out between waterings

Humidity: (60-80%) Prefers high humidity

21. Asparagus Fern (Asparagus setaceus)

Asparagus Ferns make charming additions to indoor spaces as hanging plants. Their delicate, feathery foliage cascades elegantly from hanging baskets, adding a touch of lush greenery to any room.

These versatile plants thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer regular watering to maintain their vibrant appearance. With their airy foliage and low-maintenance care requirements, Asparagus Ferns are perfect for adding a touch of natural beauty to your home’s interior decor.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil consistently moist

Humidity: (60-70%) Loves high humidity

22. Kangaroo Vine (Cissus antarctica)

Kangaroo Vine, also known as Cissus Antartica, is an excellent choice for indoor hanging plants. Its cascading vines adorned with glossy, deep green leaves create a striking visual appeal. Ideal for hanging baskets or trailing down shelves, this resilient plant thrives in bright, indirect light and moderate humidity.

With minimal care requirements, Kangaroo Vine adds a touch of lush greenery to any indoor space, making it a popular choice for plant enthusiasts seeking elegance and ease of maintenance.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light to partial shade

Water Requirement: Keep soil moderately moist

Humidity: (50-70%) Prefers moderate to high humidity

23. Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes spp.)

Pitcher plants make captivating indoor hanging plants. Their unique pitcher-shaped leaves entice with their carnivorous nature, trapping insects for nourishment. These low-maintenance wonders thrive in bright, indirect light and high humidity, perfect for indoor environments.

Their dangling pitchers add an exotic flair to any space, serving as both conversation starters and natural pest controllers. With proper care, these intriguing plants can flourish indoors, offering a touch of the wild within the comfort of your home.

Light Requirement: Bright, indirect light

Water Requirement: Keep soil moist, never let it dry out completely

Humidity: (70-90%) Thrives in high humidity

Bottom Line

Choosing the right indoor hanging plants involves considering the environmental conditions you can provide. With this comprehensive list, you’re equipped to select plants that will thrive in your home, bringing life and vibrancy to your indoor spaces. Remember, the key to a healthy indoor garden is understanding and meeting the unique needs of each plant species.

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